Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Just enough!

We all feel the pressure.  Our world is built around social media these days and every mom feels the pressure to be more.  In better shape, wearing better clothes, doing better birthday parties, having a cleaner house, making healthier meals...  
But maybe, just maybe, we are enough.  Maybe we need to love ourselves just the way we are.  Its okay that we are in yoga pants and snot-crusted tees, because we spent the day cuddling our teething toddler.  Its okay that we didn't make a meal that fits in the food pyramid, because we were busy helping our first grader do her homework.  Its okay that we don't have perfect bodies because we have children that love us just because we are mom.  Its okay that our kids birthday party is just a thrown together birthday cake at the park because we got to spend time with our friends and the kids had a blast.  Its okay that we didn't cut out shapes from the cheese in our first grader's lunch because we threw in a note telling her we love her.  
There are a million times a day that I feel like I am not enough.  I'm not doing enough for my kids, for myself, for the house, for my husband.  But then I try to remember that my children go to bed every night with full bellies, clean sheets and love in their heart.  They won't remember that I didn't clean up the kitchen every night or that they had peanut butter and honey for the 5th time in a week.  They will remember that I sat and read them a book while they played with my messy hair, chatted with them about their day, finished their homework, and made sure their preschool shirt was clean when they needed to wear it.  Because I am enough.  

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