Sunday, May 31, 2015

That day...

I still remember finding out my life would completely change.  I had a gut feeling, but every pregnancy test said I was imagining it.  Then 3 days later, the test finally caught up with what my body already knew, I would be a mother.  Now, 6 years later, I have already forgotten what I was before a mom.  I have highlights of things I miss, but I have forgotten most.  I now have 3 babies (face it, they will always be my babies--even though they will argue differently).  Everyday I am still working on getting my body back, I drive a minivan, and have given up on cute little purses (seriously, who can get all their crap in there, plus a diaper or snacks).  And yet, I can't imagine my life without any of you.  You are the reason I get up in the morning--no literally, you are right there waking me up every morning!  And the reason I go to sleep at night and for everything in between.   While it has changed every facet of my life, I love most moments of it.  It is such a great adventure to relearn everything through a child's eyes.  Everyday, I get to help my girls discover something new.  I get to join in their accomplishments, heartaches, laughter, tears, and sometimes unending whining.  I can't imagine my life any other way.