Sunday, November 22, 2015


Does any other mom (or any 30+ woman) for that matter, feel completely lost these days?  I'm not sure what happened to me?  One day I was a a young, fashionable woman who could shop anywhere and now I'm not even sure what section of the store I should be in?  Women'  Where is the mid life area of the friggin store?  I am not 19 anymore and I don't want to look like it, but I don't want to wear something that my mom may be wearing, too.  (Sorry Mom!)  And when the heck are low rise jeans going to die already?  Oh my goodness!!!  Have we not seen enough crack lately to just end it?
And what radio station am I supposed to listen to?  I tried listening to top 40 the other day. It was great, I was singing along, until I realized my preschooler was also singing along.  Believe me, the lyrics are so much more disgusting coming from a 4 year old's mouth than from those singers.  I tried listening to country, but I either hear my parents country that I remember from the backseat when I was growing up, or some kind of country/rap that is worse than fingernails on chalkboard.
So, I guess, where do I fit in?  I have lost myself.  And I'm not sure where to look?  Where do you get clothes that don't cling to your fat rolls, or pants that don't show your moon to everyone?  But, I don't want "Mom" jeans where my butt looks completely flat, either. What radio station do I listen to?
Even more infuriating is the fact that my husband seems to be completely unscathed from aging (and parenting, for that matter).  Sure, he's got a little big bigger belly and a few more gray hairs, but he doesn't walk around in low rise jeans, hiking them up right before sitting/kneeling/leaning over/etc.  He can still listen to the same music he enjoyed in high school and college (although it sounds like my ear drums may be crying listening to it).  His clothes are the same, yes, a bit bigger than the day we married, but a T-shirt, jeans/shorts and tennis shoes are completely acceptable in 95% of his daily dealings.  He doesn't stand in the middle of the men's section wondering which subsection of clothes to try on from.  He just picks his clothes out, rarely tries them on (Why are they all sized the same and I have to try on 4 different sizes per brand to find my perfect fit?) and goes home, probably to drink a beer.  He doesn't question the larger part of his life in the buying of his clothes like I do.
Maybe we are part of the lost generation.  We are the forgotten women who are too old for Forever 21, but too young for the women's section.  Too old to be young, but too young to be old.  I wonder if all 30 something women feel as lost as I do in this world.  Where do we fit in?

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